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Orion has started the distribution of the Consilium Optimum UAB 5 million EUR 3-year public bond issue

UAB Consilium Optimum, provider of telecommunications services in Lithuania, known to consumers under the brand name Fastlink, is starting to distribute a public 3-year bond issue to raise 5 million EUR. Investors are offered an annual interest rate of 12%. Full project information.

Tranche size Maturity Coupon rate Coupon payment rate Minimal investment sum Distribution dates
3 M EUR 3 years 9% Quarterly 1 000 EUR 29th November – 18th December, 2024

The distribution of bonds is organized by Orion Securities, financial brokerage and investment banking company based in Lithuania. Distribution of these securities begins on the 30th of April and will continue until the 16th of May. Both private and institutional investors can invest by submitting investment orders through local banks and financial brokerage companies. The bonds have a nominal value of 1000 EUR each, with annual coupon rate of 12% and interest paid quarterly. The issue will be listed on the Baltic First North Market no later than 6 months after the issuance.

“We have just presented a new product on the Lithuanian telecommunications market – fiber-optic internet for private customers with the speed of up to 10 Gbps. In addition, we provide a wide range of telecommunications services for private and business customers: fiber optic internet, smart TV, mobile connection, 4G and 5G home internet, video surveillance and other IT and IP services. In 2023 we achieved excellent financial results – income increased by 29%, and EBITDA increased by 28%,’ says Vitalijus Romualdas Andrijauskas, CEO of Consilium Optimum UAB.

‘We are ready for the next stage of growth as we plan to offer our customers even more innovative telecommunications services, increase the coverage of our own fiber optic network in Vilnius to 27% compared to the current 21%, increase server capacity, change existing IT systems, implement artificial intelligence technology, update television app, and automate processes. These are the reasons for the need of additional capital which we are raising through this bond issue,’ V. Andrijauskas comments on the company’s development plans.

Mykantas Urba | „Orion Securities“ Head of corporate finance 

‘We are delighted to offer a public issue of bonds to the market and provide an investment opportunity for a wider circle of investors. The bond issuer has demonstrated consistent growth over the last four years, has a well-developed business model and operates in a relatively low-cyclical sector. In addition, the legal framework regulating market competition creates favorable growth opportunities for the Issuer, offering its services to an ever-increasing amount of private and business clients in Lithuania,’ says Mykantas Urba, Head of Corporate Finance at Orion Securities.

‘The popularity of bonds as a debt investment instrument is still high among investors in Lithuania and other Baltic states. The continuation of high interest rate perdiod creates favorable conditions for investors to employ their funds with a relatively high investment yield. Bond financing has recently been widely used by issuers operating in the real estate sector, so it is good to see that companies in the service sector are also discovering this financing instrument. Regarding UAB Consilium Optimum we believe that attractive interest rates, the low level of debt and the operating model characterized by significant cash flow generation will be attractive to investors who want to diversify their bond investment portfolio,’ says M. Urba.

Information document Terms and conditions Full info memo

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Contact the financial brokerage company/bank handling your securities account for the submission of an investment order.

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Orion Securities recommends to consult with your financial advisor and evaluate all the risks associated with the financial instrument and/or other circumstances that are significant to you before making an investment decision.

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Marija Kisieliūtė
Orion Securities | Head of brand and marketing

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Mykantas Urba | Head of corporate finance