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EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS public offering

From November 21st, 2024, 09:00 EET, EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS (ISIN code EE3805127240) public offer subscription process is launched. The last trading day of the subscription period is December 6th, 2024, 15:30 EET.

Up to 1 000 000 shares are being publicly offered to investors in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The offer price is 19,00 EUR per share. The shares will be registered in the Nasdaq CSD under the ISIN code EE3805127240. In case of over-subscription, EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS has the right to increase the volume of the offering to a total of 500 000 shares and the offering may also be decreased by the amount unsubscribed.

The Subscription Offer will be carried out using the Stock Exchange Trading system and Nasdaq CSD.

Offering via Stock Exchange Trading System (for investors in Latvia and Lithuania)

Market: TSE Equity Auctions (Genium INET trading system)
Order book: EFTIPO (EE3805127240)

The auction period during which the order collection will take place is:
November 21st, 2024, from 09:00 until 16:00;

November 22nd – December 5th, 2024, from 09:00 until 16:00;

December 6th, 2024, from 09:00 until 15:30.
Settlement date: December 13th, 2024

All Nasdaq Tallinn Members, having access to Genium INET trading system may participate in the offering by submitting orders on their own account or on behalf of its clients.

Offering via Nasdaq CSD (for investors in Estonia)

An Estonian investor wishing to subscribe must contact their bank, which manages the Nasdaq CSD securities account of the respective investor.

Please see attached the Rules of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS subscription process through the Exchange trading system.

Detailed information on the offering of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS is provided here:

Marija Kisieliūtė
Orion Securities | Head of brand and marketing

We consult:

– Corporate finance
– M&A
– Start-up financing
– Company valuations

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Mykantas Urba | Head of corporate finance