Metanira | Public bond offering |  March 10-27

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Auga Group | Land sale and long-term repurchase agreements

We have been working with Kęstutis Juščius since 2014 when we represented the Baltic Champs in the merger with AB Agrowill Group. After this agreement Auga group (before that called Agrowill) started making a 3 year switch to ecological farming which required significant investments.

Orion role in this project

Orion successfully funded a part of this investment by attracting additional borrowed capital.

Between 2015 and 2018 Orion implemented 3 land sales and long-term repurchase transactions for Auga Group:

In 2015 2.1 m EUR value agricultural landmass was sold to a financial investor with the right for Auga Group to repurchase the land after 5 years.

In 2015 additionally the agricultural landmass worth1.3 m EUR was sold to the investment fund with the right for Auga Group to repurchase the land after 5 years.

In 2018 there was a specialised 4 m EUR value fund created that ensured the right for Auga Group to use 2000 ha of agricultural land with a right to repurchase it after 5 years. Fund units generating fixed returns were successfully distributed among private Lithuanian investors.

Project type M&A
Orion role Sell side
Client AUGA group, UAB
Project value 7.4 m EUR (the total value)
Project duration 2015 – 2018


Orion Securities – Member of Pandea Global M&A network

This international advisory network gives Orion team an exclusive access to foreign buyers and investors, allowing our clients based in Lithuania to access a larger number of acquisitions in new geographies. In addition to that our cooperation gives clients the opportunity to consult with Pandea consultants, who can help and advise our clients on issues of business development abroad.

We consult:

– Corporate finance
– M&A
– Start-up financing
– Company valuations

Get in touch:

Mykantas Urba | Head of corporate finance