Metanira | Public bond offering |  March 10-27

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Baltic Champs | The establishment of the largest agricultural group in Baltics in 2014

Kęstutis Juščius, who until 2014 owned UAB Baltic Champs, the largest mushroom farming business in the Baltic States, has sought to acquire agricultural landmass to develop ecological farming business. Orion proposed an alternative idea – a merger deal with Agrowill Group AB.

Orion role in this project

Orion led the 12 month negotiation and merger process:

-K. Juščius transfered the shares of UAB Baltic Champs to the AB Agrowill group, in return for a controlling stake of AB Agrowill group;

-The old shareholders of AB Agrowill group diversified their investment by complementing the cyclical crop and livestock farming activities with the relatively low cycles ofl mushroom farming activity;

-After the completion of the transaction, a mandatory official share buy-back was implemented, allowing minority shareholders to realise their shares on the same terms as the major shareholders;

-The transaction created a diversified agricultural group with sufficient resources to become the largest ecological farming group in Europe.

Project type M&A
Client Baltic Champs, UAB
Project value 53 m EUR
Project duration 12 months
Project year 2014

Orion Securities – Member of Pandea Global M&A network

This international advisory network gives Orion team an exclusive access to foreign buyers and investors, allowing our clients based in Lithuania to access a larger number of acquisitions in new geographies. In addition to that our cooperation gives clients the opportunity to consult with Pandea consultants, who can help and advise our clients on issues of business development abroad.

We consult:
– Corporate finance
– M&A
– Start-up financing
– Company valuations

Get in touch:
Mykantas Urba | Head of corporate finance